Tuesday 3 January 2012

Colour proportion part 2

Making a particular hue stand out. 
In this case I chose a yellow hue. Its brightness would be the first subject of focus because of its brightness. The other hues involved are the complimentary hue and the colours in between.  Funny enough when mixed together, the purple and yellow seemed to mix together they seemed to form a blue colour which is what you notice here and in the following paintings.

In this one, I had to make that same bright hue stand out less. So I took out the yellow hue and made stand out less, but its just a small part of the piece, because of the small standout hue now makes way for new focal points i.e. the trees and the people walking through the environment.

This image is about the balance of the standout hue with the rest of the image. In this case, the standout yellow hue is now in balance with the rest of the image, therefore making the image as a whole stand out rather than one part grabbing all the attention.

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