Tuesday 3 January 2012

Colour narrative part 2

The exercises in this post are about contrasting moods. The pairing I have chosen are happy and sad. In the happy section, I was rather choosy about my choice of colours but I managed to pick out the ones I felt would emphasise a mood within the scene. The bright yellows on this character walking through this space indicate that the mood of this character is happy and joyous and the atmosphere around them is reflective of this mood.

However. In this collage here, the mood is very different. As is most obvious, the colour scheme is different here. Here, I wanted to depict a sad mood in this piece and with my colour choices avaliable to me I had little trouble creating this sad mood. Using the purple and yellow combination together where I used one yellow with a little purple and the purple with a little bit of yellow. The colours with the white tint added was great for putting into the painting because they really make the composition look broken with colour.

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