Saturday 3 December 2011

Lecture 2: Value

In todays lecture. I was learning about Value. Also known as tones, values refer to brightness and darkness of a colour. i.e. Blue, dark blue, light blue. In red however, it is the only colour to have its darker and lighter shades with different names, pink and maroon.

The two images above are from the lecture exercise where the objective was first, to place the values in order i.e. from tint to shade or vice versa. The exercise below that one involved me having to place my colours but with the tints being more dominant than the shadows.  The image below is the vice versa of the tint exercise. This one is now the shadows being more dominant.

When I created my piece. I originally wanted to choose blue and orange. I think personally they are my favorite complimentary colour pair. 

Balance tints and shades

Dominant tints.

Dominant shades.

Balance of colours.

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